Healing Sexal Trauma

I had the great pleasure of learning from Ariel Giarretto, SE faculty teacher, MS, LMFT, SEP, CMT, CSB is an internationally known body-oriented therapist, trauma specialist, and Somatic Sex Educator.

I learned about essential Strategies for Healing Sexual Trauma and Sexuality

I work with clients who have experienced sexual trauma as a child, sexual assault as adults, and with couples who grapple with sexual incompatibilities, or people who struggle with debilitating shame, sexual/gender identity, body image and just generally resist being in their bodies.

I gained a variety of new and effective tools to best serve these clients—even the toughest ones. Introducing material and exercises not covered in the Somatic Experiencing training.

This is what I learned: 

  • How to help those most reluctant to inhabit their bodies actually find ease and pleasure!
  • Help clients with complex histories identify clear goals, so you both know where you’re headed, have the consent you need to nudge a bit, and then take the most direct path to recovery
  • Learn some of the newest science in sex education that will help you explain essential facts to your clients that will normalize behaviors and lessen shame
  • Learn multiple embodiment exercises that support regulation in the present—which helps people who are triggered by daily life find moment-to-moment resource and stability.
  • Learn new techniques that strengthen boundaries, help people “find their voice”, and express genuine “embodied consent”
  • Learn advanced strategies for reworking sexual trauma without re-traumatizing, and the order and steps that are most effective for success
  • Learn a variety ways of working shame and helping clients escape from its clutches
  • Learn skills specific to working with male survivors

PERSONALLY have learned: 

  • I got more comfortable talking about the body and discussing sexuality issues with your clients and intimates.
  • Become friends with my own body, and inhabit it with new levels of comfort and ease, all parts of it…
  • Develop more awareness, find new levels of pleasure in the embodiment exercises. And even enjoy sex and intimacy more!


Everyone with sexual trauma who want to become aware of sexuality issues and aren op to be treated somatically and/of with EMDR

Kim Lakke

Psychosociaal begeleider - Relatietherapeut - Ouderschapsbegeleider- Trainer - Spreker - Opsteller